Thursday, August 27, 2020

Csr plan for the face shop brand Research Paper

Csr plan for the face shop brand - Research Paper Example The Faceshop is one of the corporate that requirements to share a portion of its prevailing qualities that will bolster it in making financial and social qualities. This is accomplished by concentrating on the social issues in the general public that they are equipped for tending to (Mallin, 2009). This record will plot the proposed corporate social obligation technique, the organization’s strategic what the organization rely on so as to maintain the guidelines for the clients. The Faceshop was built up in the year 2003. It starts from Korea, and it is overseen by Jeong Un-ho who is the CEO. The association manages the worldwide retail of different extravagant items that are going from healthy skin, beautifying agents, hair and body care and different frill that are for the most part common (Pride & Ferrell, 2010). It began with one store in Myeongdong in 2003, and by 2004, it had just set up its 100th store. It extended supervises in the years to come in Asia, Europe and United States of America. Later on, LG family and Health care chose to purchase the corrective maker. Gossipy tidbits had at first coursed over the difference in possession, and this had made the costs of the offers rise (Pride & Ferrell, 2010). Most recent money related execution demonstrates a yearly offer of around worth 250 billion South Korean Won and the working net revenue is around nineteen percent with up to 700 working stores (Pride & Ferrell, 2010). In the year 2007, The Faceshop chose to open its roads in United States of America in San Francisco. They facilitated a characteristic stunner challenge which the great prize was $20,000 in real money and furthermore an agreement to be The Faceshop USA spokes model (Pride & Ferrell, 2010). There have been some worldwide issues that have come up. They have radically influenced the business as far as its market and funds. A portion of the clients have been having issues with their items. For instance, a woman in San Francisco, California

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Heraclitus v Parmenides

The intensely examined philosophical discussion that has been conveyed for quite a long time on the idea of being and its impression, shows the tremendous contrasts between the two thinkers Heraclitus and Parmenides. One which put stock in a peculiarity of things, while one contrasts and conveys the way of thinking of a duality of the real world. One that accepts that the adjustments in recognition are misleading, while different presentations a philosophical view that our observations basically relative and continually changing based one of nature. One accepts that reality and nature is steady , while the different accepts that everything is continually changing , and that even the streaming waterway that one may step his foot in won't be a similar waterway whenever around. Heraclitus accepted things were ever-changing, and that might be valid. Science and material science( which is an arm of reasoning reveals to us that when power is applied to things there is the chance of an adjustment in the sub-atomic make up of the thing. It resembles a nebulous issue. When the issue has been shaped into a specific structure it is more than liable to lose iotas during the procedure. I accept the case of the streaming waterway is a truly cunning one. Being that the stream is regularly streaming there is steady disintegration happening as the consistent (the bed of the waterway) communicates with the moving (the progression of the water). In reality even the little demonstrations, for example, shaking hands includes the trading of particles and atoms. Parmenides introduced a clashing philosophical conclusion to that of Heraclitus. Parmenides introduced the view that the condition of being in nature is steady. It doesn't change and that our view of reality may on occasion be beguiling. While I don't concur with this concerning the condition and nature I do figure this contention would hold a lot of weight and would be viewed as a strong truth as far as brain research. A person’s mental cosmetics could influence the manner in which an individual perspectives reality, and could introduce misrepresentations. One of Parmenides’ most well known contention of that something that isn't can't be practically demonstrated as it isn't in a condition. I would contend that it could just as the backwards of something that seems to be. While both have left a yearning impact on the western way of thinking and we are as yet contending a similar discussion that they did today, I would need to concur with the contention of Heraclitus on the subject of the status of being. Things are continually transforming; we live with gravity which in itself makes us change, without it we would not age so rapidly as we do. I discover the distinction in the contention in the duality and steady being of nature to be one of an issue from a cutting edge point of view as taking a gander at things from a full scale and miniaturized scale viewpoint. On the large scale side things appear to be identical and unaltered as it takes uncommon power or impact to change things, however on the miniaturized scale level even the little of acts cause for a solid development of molecules. I would need to concur with Heraclitus, in spite of the fact that Parmenides presents a substantial contention when put in legitimate setting.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Essay For Grad School Application Samples

Essay For Grad School Application SamplesPreparing for the grad school essays is a very important aspect of preparing for the admissions test. Essay samples can help you make sure that you are using what the tutor is looking for.The tutor is looking for specific information on a particular topic. The details are known and no personal comment is allowed. If you want to know more about essay topics, you should look for sample essays. Essay samples can give you an idea about what to include and what not to include.You do not need to take this approach if you are able to write your own essay. There are many online essay and exam writing resources. However, if you have to write your own essay, then you might be searching for some essay sample solutions. Fortunately, there are some resources available online that are supposed to help you get the best answer possible for your question. However, you must be very careful when you choose your sample essay.Some people will want to focus on thei r own essay. This approach is good but if they fail to follow the simple guidelines, then they may not be getting a good answer. Instead of thinking you can do better than the essay for grad school application samples, you might be thinking that you can't do better than that. So, do a bit of research before you choose the sample and use it to help you as much as possible. Here are some ideas to help you avoid that.First, the essay for grad school can be written for one main point or as an original research paper. If you only need a couple of paragraphs to explain the background, you should consider using this approach. You can make it concise and not very technical in order to make it easy to explain. If you need more explanation, then you should look for more examples. There are essay grad school application samples, which focus on all of the possible answers to the question.If you are trying to present a unique background and experiences, then you should try to focus on the real w orld. You should not take any shortcuts. Take the time to write a history and look at other sources. You should look for examples on how these people were seen and treated in their everyday lives. Focus on what they are like and you will end up with a more unique and specific essay.When you want to combine an example and a reference, focus on the commonly used examples that are used in most schools. Look for simple ways to explain and that is why you will need more examples for the discussion section. You will find that this works well but it does require more information. On the other hand, if you are not writing an essay but a report, then you should look for essay grad school application samples, which provide real examples that students can relate to. If you have tried a bit of everything and you still feel as though you are struggling, then you should get some more ideas for essay grad school application samples.These essay grad school application samples may come from local hi gh schools or colleges and universities. You should be able to find some suggestions for the best ones. You can also compare them and see what would work best for you.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Family Values Paper - 943 Words

Running head: FAMILY VALUES PAPER Family Value Paper Katie Chieda University of Phoenix Dynamics of Family Systems: NUR/542 February 21, 2011 Carla Diebold Family Values Family is a term that can be interpreted†¦show more content†¦In some cases end-of-life decisions must be made primarily based on known individual wishes or documents, and the support of the family. Even when a patient in the intensive care unit has an opportunity for a positive outcome there are difficult decisions, difficult messages, and difficult conversations to be had. According to a study completed by Caroline Williams; the family plays a larger role than providing information about the individual; including emotional support to the patient, and a positive psychological effect (Williams, 2005). In the situation which a family members health is compromised to the level that they need to be in the intensive care unit, not only does the family need to come together to serve as a support for the patient, but also a support for one another. As health care providers one must serve a role in this process as well. According to Damboise and Cardin, the familyâ €™s needs include; information, reassurance, support, and the need to be near the patient (2003). Family Nursing Theory Orem’s Self Care Model of Nursing involves the understanding that patients not only have the ability, but also the right, and responsibility to care for themselves (Clark, 1986). One believes that Orem’s model is important in the intensive care setting, often-times we rely too heavily on the families and support personnel, and forget to rely on the theoreticalShow MoreRelatedFamily Values Paper1853 Words   |  8 PagesFamily Value Paper Siana Stone NUR 542 March 11, 2013 University of Phoenix Family Value Paper This family value paper individual assignment will discuss the concept of family nursing that has developed into a fundamental aspect of nursing. Research of nursing has shown that individual poor health affects the entire family and not only an individual, plus, the effectiveness of health care is improved when emphasis is placed on family (Harmon amp; Hansen, 2001). There was noRead MoreCultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper1151 Words   |  5 PagesRunning head: CULTURAL VALUES AND PERSONAL ETHICS PAPER Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper University of Phoenix Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper [The introduction goes here. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

Immigration, An Issue of Concern to America Essay

Immigration has become an issue of concern to America over the past few years. So many debates on the issue are going on. The main focus of these debates however has been to resolve the rising levels of prohibited immigration as well as improving the conditions of authorized immigrants. Economic standards in a country clearly indicate levels of immigration. Analyzing various economic factors would help create a reliable framework for tackling debates on immigration in the United States. People of a nation could be forced out of their native land because of conflict, escape from persecution due to crimes or voluntarily based on personal desires and objectives. On the other hand, people could migrate to a more developed country in search of†¦show more content†¦Introduction of diversified talents, skills and abilities which could significantly boost the host country’s economy. Despite being advantageous, immigration comes with a number of demerits: Immigrants are susceptible to exploitation for low income. Migration of educated and skilled personnel from a country could cause brain drain since all the knowledgeable individuals would induce benefits to the host country leaving behind unskilled labor which is a frustration to the nation’s economic prosperity. Immigration could be a channel of elements of crime and corruption for example in drug trafficking. The issue of immigration could turn into a sociopolitical conflict whereby racial discrimination becomes a tool for victimizing and exploiting individuals from the underdeveloped countries. Under some circumstances, immigrants could end up getting more favor from the host government compared to members of the local community leading to conflict and hostility. In the urge to flee their own country’s devastating economy, many people end up losing their lives making the all issue of migration appear illegal and uncontrollable. Current Immigration versus Past Immigration There has been enormous increase in the recent growth rates of immigrant populations in the United States. The number is approximated to be three times that of the past. As a result, there have been so many predicaments on how to counter the issue of illegal immigration majorly because of inability of theShow MoreRelatedClose Our Borders! Essay1009 Words   |  5 PagesSince the 19th Century, America has become known as the nation of immigrants. During that time the United States experienced the biggest wave of immigration of any place or time in the history of the world. It was also during that same time that America felt the greatest growth in production and standard of living than any other point in history (Divine, 1957). For many, the link between these two exceptional points in history was no coincidence. Certainly one of the most controversial topicsRead MoreThe Effects Of Immigrants On The Economy908 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction From terrorism, to global warming, to immigration, hot-button political issues often affect many parts of people’s lives. When looking at the many issues facing the country, there are a rare few that only affect one aspect of life. Instead the problems in the country have diverse and extensive impacts and therefore need all-encompassing solutions. One of the issues that garners a great deal of discussion is immigration and its impacts on the economic environment. As a nation of immigrantsRead MoreAmerican Immigration Entropy : The Land Of Opportunity And The Nation Of Immigrants996 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"American Immigration Entropy† Stars and stripes, the land of opportunity and the nation of immigrants. The United States of America, one of the largest and most influential countries today, is and always has been a grand attraction to people all over the world. America has become home to people from all corners on this planet; especially to Europeans seeking wealth and religious freedom, to several African slaves brought to America against their will from theRead MoreHow Can America Become A Better Immigrant Nation?1245 Words   |  5 PagesHow Can America Become a Better Immigrant Nation Again? It has become evident to many that the American economy is declining in recent years. Journalists are pointing out that one of the reasons why it got weaker is due to a failed immigration system and outdated policies towards illegal immigrants. For instance, Fareed Zakaria from Time magazine says, although America was once considered an example to many other immigrant nations, it is now falling behind some of them in terms of immigration-relatedRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1664 Words   |  7 Pageswords, the illegal immigration rate arriving and living in the U.S. has decreased, but there are still millions of unauthorized immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. Illegal immigration and policy has become an important and political debate between millions of Americans for the past couple of decades, but it was not until the 21st century, when policymakers became concern on national security and the demand for labor. Although illegal immigration has beco me a major issue in the United SatesRead MoreThe Issue of Mass Illegal Immigration to the United States829 Words   |  3 PagesIntroduction America is deemed the land of the free and the home of the brave. The very fabric of this great nation was built upon immigrants from the Pilgrims landing on Plymouth Rock to the millions of immigrants landing at Ellis Island. America is known as a melting pot of many different cultures and ethnic groups with roughly 11.7 million illegal immigrants living here. There has been a long standing love/hate relationship with the issue of immigration. It has long been debated as to whetherRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1532 Words   |  7 PagesUnited States. Immigration is defined in the Merriam Webster dictionary as â€Å"a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence† (â€Å"immigrant†). In the beginning, America was the land of opportunity, which allowed people to have a chance at reaching success. Since then, the population has grown to over 320 million people. Because of the explosion of people entering the United States, a restrictio n must be instilled on the number of new foreigners who are allowed in. America is now well establishedRead MoreIllegal Immigrants Should Be Legal1514 Words   |  7 Pageseffects to our country. This is not the case at all. At one point all of the current Americans that reside in the United States today had ancestors that traveled from another country or countries to the United States of America, thus making us all decedents of immigrants. Immigration helps boost up the economy, not hurt it, for the most part. Illegal immigrants take jobs that have lower pay and horrible hours. They also tend not to file for tax returns or claim their Social Security money (Aquino 2016)Read MoreImmigration Policy And Its Impact On America882 Words   |  4 Pagespermanently settling in America, the immigration policy has affected all aspects of society in terms of growth and development of economy, societal issues, and national security. As the immigration policy is a broad topic among senators, it needs to be prioritize for it to be better understood. In doing so will improve the immigration policy and grasp the significance of its impact in America. Many of the values that brings America together as a nation, is due to immigration. America is a melting potRead MoreAnalysis Of Donald Trump s Presidential Legacy Essay1739 Words   |  7 Pagesbigotry, and hatred towards a diversified America. Being a candidate with no prior political or military experience, Donald J. Trump used his shrewdness, business skills, and demeanor to plow his way through the election. His rival, Hillary R. Clinton, representing the Democratic party, lost to President-elect Trump. Her campaign advocated for unity, women’s rights, and goal to live up to Obama’s presidential legacy. One of the distinct idiosyncratic agendas America has seen, both presidential candidates

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

As An Upper Level High School Mathematics Teacher, My...

As an upper level high school mathematics teacher, my students are assigned to classes based on skill level rather than grade level, but the due to the nature of the material, most students are juniors and seniors. Tasha, the student constantly demanding my attention to ask if she is doing the work correctly, is almost certainly one of these upperclassmen as the rare underclassman who is in an advanced math class generally has more confidence in her abilities if only because placement in such a class implies that the school believes that she is highly capable. While not offensive or intentionally disruptive, Tasha’s behavior does impact the classroom environment negatively. Every minute that she demands my attention is a minute that I†¦show more content†¦As a result, I am forced to spend more time refocusing students and dealing with inappropriate behavior which cuts down on the amount of instructional time in my classroom. While Tasha’s motivation for monopol izing my time is almost certainly not to deprive other students of having their questions answered or to keep me from maintaining order in the classroom, these are the inevitable consequences of her behavior if it continues. By allowing her to continue this pattern, I am also doing her no favors as she is not learning to be a self-directed learner or taking ownership of her own learning and work if I am constantly at her beck and call to confirm that she is doing just fine. Tasha’s behavior appears to be rooted in a lack of confidence in her own abilities, and she is exhibiting some signs of learned helplessness. It is unlikely that any particular incident in my class caused Tasha to be so insecure as low self-confidence and learned helplessness develop over time, but certain situations in class are more likely to trigger her need for confirmation that she is doing her work correctly. She is most likely to demand my attention when I have shifted the class into individual work time as opposed to group instruction or discussion. Tasha’s insecurities become more pronounced when she is left to work on an assignment without step by step guidance from me. If she sees other students getting to work immediately and seeming to breeze through anShow MoreRelatedFinding A New High School Mathematics Teacher870 Words   |  4 PagesI was a high school principal, and I was tasked with finding a new high school mathematics teacher, I would ensure that the new hire met a few important criteria. These criteria include a solid understanding of mathematics, intense passion for the subject, an ability to connect with students, and a deep care for the development of students. These skills and abilities are what I consider to be crucial for the formation and instruction of high school students. First, an ideal high school mathematicsRead MoreEast Rock Community Magnet School836 Words   |  4 PagesThe teacher I interviewed for this project was a fifth-grade teacher, Mr. Keith Wolkovitz. This teacher has been teaching at East Rock Community Magnet School for his entire career of eleven years. East Rock Community Magnet School is a Title I school in the New Haven School District. The school has a very diverse population and over 90% of the students qualify for the free-reduced lunch program. As a Title I school, the school is also mandated by the state to implement certain remedial interventionsRead MoreDesigning A Unit For First Grade1290 Words   |  6 PagesTopic/Concept I plan to develop a unit for first grade where my students investigate and explore probability and statistics at a very basic, introductory level. This will likely the first introduction they ve had to these concepts as first graders. In this unit, the students will begin to question why we need to collect data, how we proceed in obtaining data, and how we represent our findings (via tables, charts, graphs, etc.). The students will identify characteristics of the collected data and willRead MoreGrade Common Core Standard On Place Value And The Properties Of Operations1554 Words   |  7 PagesMy lesson was designed to fulfill the fourth grade Common Core Standard that students will â€Å"multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value and the properties of operations. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models,† (Council of Chief State School Officers and National Governors Association, 2010). My students have been learning and practicing solving these equations using the grid method, which breaks the numbers intoRead MoreMath Analysis : Math And Math Essay975 Words   |  4 Pagesoccasions that girls stress more about completing math work and math testing than boys. One theory that prompted my research is math assessment performance related to gender, male and female achievement in mathematics. At the elementary school level it is important to know basic math skills because math understanding and ability builds upon if itself. Questions like, Are male and female student evenly matched in math ability and knowledge? Are genders math assessment scores different or the same? ConsequentlyRead MoreStudents At Middle And High School Level821 Words   |  4 Pagesago I began tutoring high school students in several types of mathematics, physics chemistry. While I did this initially to earn money, I have continued to tutor (often pro bono) because I enjoy the material and the co ntact with the students. I have always enjoyed math tremendously. I can remember riding in a car for long distances as a child with my father and continuously calculating average speeds and percentages of distances covered as we traveled. In college I took upper division math classesRead MoreHigh School That Mean Mathematics Classes915 Words   |  4 PagesI have been placed Ryde Secondary College that partially selective high school that mean mathematics classes are operating by two different categories such as selective classes and normal classes that is consists of local students who lives in their catchment areas and commenced on 20.July 2015. I have withdrawn on 10th Aug that decisions made by PEU. During my prac, I have taught Yr 7(ME) , Yr7(MC)-one lesson only , Yr 9 (MC) class and Yr10(MC) one lesson .I believe I did not have support or poorRead MoreThe Influence Of Children s Cultural Background Essay1541 Words   |  7 Pagesalways asked me how the fabric colors and patterns were good or not. So , I had to express my views. After she finished sewing, she also asked me how nice her products were. She needed my judgments and asked further questions. Is this too big? Will it suit with this person?† Thus, the cultural background had been set from his family and we could imagine that he definitely brought the home’s cultures to his school. Another salient example is that Wat has stayed in a Buddhist temple with a monk, whereRead MoreInterview Paper : Influence Of Children Essay1702 Words   |  7 Pagesalways asked me how the fabric colors and patterns were good or not. So, I had to express my views. After she finished sewing, she also asked me how nice her products were. She needed my judgments and asked further questions. Is this too big? Will it suit with this person Thus, the cultural background had been set from his family and we could imagine that he definitely brought the home?s cultures to his school. Another salient example is that Wat has stayed in a Buddhist temple with a monk, whereRead MoreAlgebra 1: Math Curriculum Paper Written by Middle School Math Teacher1827 Words   |  8 PagesI am a mathematics teacher, with a middle school education degree (grades 5-9) with an emphasis in mathematics and social studies, teaching at an area high school. I have decided to focus on Algebra I for this curriculum paper, because it requires more abstract thought and problem solving. I will address the following areas: curriculum standards (national, state, local (district)), textbook adoption, community, and design of my classroom. This paper will relate the standards at these three levels

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Love in Jane Eyre free essay sample

How are the ideas of love and relationship portrayed In Jane Eyre? Jane Eyre is fundamentally a novel about the conflict between love. and the artificial context of relationship, which introduces impediments and pain to what should be pure and unconstrained. It Is the pain of love forbidden by the constraints of societal morality which drives Jane to leave Thornfield Hall, and It Is loves attraction which pulls her back there at the end ot the novel, overcoming this barrier. The love that blossoms between Jane and Rochester Is in many ways the strongest and most lasting impression given by the novel. It is, however, a paradoxical attraction in that it causes Jane, and probably Rochester (although the first person narrative means we cannot be sure of his feelings except through his own expression of them), as much pain as It does Joy. Jane, nursing her secret love for Rochester, is hurt so much by his supposed engagement to Blanche Ingram that she decided to leave Thorntleld, and the man she loves, in order to escape the pain. We will write a custom essay sample on Love in Jane Eyre or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the passage in the novel where she presents Rochester with this decision, the pain Is clearly and emphatically expressed, Jane tells Rochester that it strikes me with terror and nguish to know I absolutely must be torn from you, and she equates the necessity of departure from his presence to the necessity of death itself. Jane and Rochesters relationship is a deep and Intrinsic attachment, binding them together as If I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly and inextricably knotted to a slmllar string situated In the corresponding quarter of your little frame. learly, then, this love is no superficial romantic attraction, as is perhaps the relationship between StJohn and Rosamond Oliver that we come across later in the novel. It is lso, as this image of mutual attachment suggests, a relationship of equality. l have as much soul as you, and full as much heart! Jane cries to Rochester: the kind of declaration she would never make to St John, though the situation in thi s passage, and that In the part of the novel where StJohn proposes to Jane are very similar. For the relationship between the two cousins is everything Jane and Rochesters isnt. Whereas in the latter relationship Bronte demonstrates a heartfelt passion, through which my spirit addresses your spirit; just as f we stood at Gods feet, equal, the former is empty of all such emotional value. It is just as St John says l claim you not for my pleasure, but for my Sovereigns service. Between Jane and StJohn there can be no true love, for the his heart is given to God and to his missionary calling, leaving him with cold eyes and heart which sees only Janes human weakness and her use only for labour, not for love. Rochester, however, understands her splrlt and her soul, through the knowledge of which she, though poor and obscure, and small and plain becomes as [his] own flesh. Through her love for Rochester Jane flourishes both in confidence and appreciation of life. The timid, proper young girl who arrives at Thornfield, though she might acclaentally aamlt sne Tinos ner employer not at all Inanasome], would never make the passionate declarations of emotion that we see in this passage, nor would she be bold enough to dismiss one of far higher social status as inferior. Bronte, then, demonstrates throughout the progress of the novel, but particularly at this emotionally intense point in the narrative, the energy, confidence and passionate belief that love can nurture. The relationship proposed by St John Rivers, however, would sap Jane of every quality granted her by her love for Rochester. She speaks of going to premature death, and St John calls her docile, intimating the loss of that precious spirit and independence which makes Jane as a literary character of the time so unique and special that would occur were she to acquiesce to his request. Under the conditions of this relationship, all the forms of love become something to be endure[d] rather than treasured or enjoyed, and the spirit which makes Jane and Rochesters love so passionate and authentic is quite absent. Given the importance of Janes independent spirit both to herself and to Rochester, this fate is clearly intolerable, as Jane herself admits. Whereas for Rochester, who loves her, she is my equal and my likeness, for St John, who cannot, she can only ever be as a good weapon is to a soldier: a role she will not willingly play. We can see, then, the fundamental fire and passion that drive Jane and Rochester together, and which are utterly absent between St John and Jane. This authenticity of love is the quality to which Jane, and through her Bronte, ascribes the highest importance. The relationship between Rochester and Blanche Ingram, though in terms of social position, wealth and upbringing a perfect match, is an empty, hollow semblance of love. Its falsity and fickle nature are exposed by Rochester himself when he speaks of the coldness from both [Miss Ingram] and her mother that he receives after their hearing of his supposed poverty. The very use of the word coldness here evokes the sense of barren, false love that Jane finds so wrong and unnatural, enough indeed to declare to Rochester that she would scorn such a union, in which one member could sneer at the other, and not truly love her. Bronte also explores the other extreme: a relationship based not on societal grounds, and divorced from physical attractions, but one formed solely of what St John calls a ere fever of the flesh. He himself tells Jane that while he love[s] Rosamond Oliver so wildly, he nonetheless knows that her promises are hollow her offers false, and although Jane at first attempts to drive the two together, to advocate their union, and see that love fulfilled, even she eventually comes to the understanding that the same must be true of this love as would be between herself and her cousin: that St Johns heart is already committed to his divine mission, and cannot be shared with any woman. Any love he offers must therefore by empty, and after St Johns hollow roposal of marriage, Jane again demonstrates her hate of such a false love. l scorn your idea of love, she tells St John, l scorn the counterfeit sentiment you offer. Bronte, then, gives us four different models of love, but only one blossoms with the true fire of passion. Paradoxically, the relationship between Jane and Rochester is perhaps the most outwardly unlikely. Unlike the perfect physical pairing of St John Rlvers ana Rosamona Ollver, or tne seemingly 11Kely soclal matcn 0T Rocnester ana Blanche Ingram, or even the union of the dutiful, adventurous Jane with the ntelligent, committed, honourable St John, none of which would be unduly surprising in a novel of Brontes time, it is only the love between the apparently mismatched Jane and Rochester which proves true. What is important to Bronte, therefore, is not outward appearances, but inner reality. Between Jane and Rochester, as Jane herself declares, it is not class speaking to class, or beauty to beauty or wealth to wealth, all superficial, coincidental qualities, but spirit to spirit. In contrast, however, to this deep seated, natural attraction, is placed the fundamentally unnatural barrier of marriage: both the imagined marriage to Miss Ingram, and the real one to Bertha Mason.