Friday, May 15, 2020

Immigration, An Issue of Concern to America Essay

Immigration has become an issue of concern to America over the past few years. So many debates on the issue are going on. The main focus of these debates however has been to resolve the rising levels of prohibited immigration as well as improving the conditions of authorized immigrants. Economic standards in a country clearly indicate levels of immigration. Analyzing various economic factors would help create a reliable framework for tackling debates on immigration in the United States. People of a nation could be forced out of their native land because of conflict, escape from persecution due to crimes or voluntarily based on personal desires and objectives. On the other hand, people could migrate to a more developed country in search of†¦show more content†¦Introduction of diversified talents, skills and abilities which could significantly boost the host country’s economy. Despite being advantageous, immigration comes with a number of demerits: Immigrants are susceptible to exploitation for low income. Migration of educated and skilled personnel from a country could cause brain drain since all the knowledgeable individuals would induce benefits to the host country leaving behind unskilled labor which is a frustration to the nation’s economic prosperity. Immigration could be a channel of elements of crime and corruption for example in drug trafficking. The issue of immigration could turn into a sociopolitical conflict whereby racial discrimination becomes a tool for victimizing and exploiting individuals from the underdeveloped countries. Under some circumstances, immigrants could end up getting more favor from the host government compared to members of the local community leading to conflict and hostility. In the urge to flee their own country’s devastating economy, many people end up losing their lives making the all issue of migration appear illegal and uncontrollable. Current Immigration versus Past Immigration There has been enormous increase in the recent growth rates of immigrant populations in the United States. The number is approximated to be three times that of the past. As a result, there have been so many predicaments on how to counter the issue of illegal immigration majorly because of inability of theShow MoreRelatedClose Our Borders! Essay1009 Words   |  5 PagesSince the 19th Century, America has become known as the nation of immigrants. During that time the United States experienced the biggest wave of immigration of any place or time in the history of the world. It was also during that same time that America felt the greatest growth in production and standard of living than any other point in history (Divine, 1957). 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