Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay about Oedipus - Don Taylor Adaption - 1286 Words

Place yourself back in to the times of Greek tragedy and culture, the glorious palace doors overlooking the Kingdom and the elegant, admirable robes. Here you will find the setting of â€Å"Oedipus the King† written by Sophocles, adapted in 1986 by Don Taylor. Taylor adapts this version extremely well, highlighting the main themes and significant symbolising Sophocles would have used in the play outstandingly. Also he still keeps the reflection of the Greek culture of the play too. Like all Greek tragedies Oedipus is set around only one setting, here it’s outside the Kingdom where the citizens of Thebes and the chorus of the Theban councillors all gather in hope of Oedipus’s wisdom. The stage is set out in a fixed stage, with the kingdom†¦show more content†¦When he talks you can feel a sense of trust as Michael Pennington presents Oedipus as such a loud fluent speaker, but the use of Sophocles puns add a tone of dramatic irony to the play for instance his last line ‘I see it all’ just before he plunges his own eyes out.. Throughout the play the use of dramatic irony is used to a wide extent, adding to this is the use of realism, focusing on the words. We are introduced the chorus in the first Parodos, they all look fairly identical dressed in black and white symbolising knowledge and wisdom. Don Taylor has used the chorus very well in this version of Oedipus; they always seemed to be making distinctive sharp shapes and movements in order. The chorus are directly speaking to the Gods, visually portraying this by focusing on the heavens above when they spoke. Don Taylor modernises them to seem like jury, at the end of each episode reflecting upon the events happening. Their language and the way they are presented are fast pasted and have a very flowing rhythm. The music from the beginning always seems to be on in the background, sensory supplementing the themes of the play, mystery. In episode 1 it seems to becoming brighter emphasising the unity of time in the play. We are also introduced to Teiresias who enters from stage left towards the Kingdom, the chorus stand around the main centre in a semi-circle whilst Teiresias enters and takes a standstill in the

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Body Image And How It Effects Health Essay - 1826 Words

Body Image and How it Effects Health Body image may be viewed as the way people see themselves and even imagine how they make look based off how they may feel about themselves. Yet it could also be viewed as the way other people see you. Body image, in medicine and psychology refers to a person s emotional attitudes, beliefs and views of their own body (Positive and Negative Body Image). According to Positive and Negative Body Image, a negative body image develops when a person feels his or her body does not amount up to family, social, or media standards. Many people feel as if they don’t measure up to the belief of others. People who have accepted the way they look often feel good about their image and would be considered to have a positive body image. One’s appearance may not be measure up to how their family expects it to be or how it is perceived to be in the media, but once people learn accept and be proud of the way they look they’ll be better off in the long run. When a person is measured against the standards of the beauty seen frequently in the media and it doesn’t compare to how they feel about themselves it become discouraging. Having said that, long-lasting negative body image can affect both your mental and physical health which could lead to eating disorders down the road. Not only is it difficult to deal with an eating or exercise disorder on your own, it could also lead to long term health problems. Furthermore, people that are dealing with anShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Mass Media On Body Image1255 Words   |  6 PagesAnyone who has ever been online has seen food, transformation, or other health related images and videos on social media, online magazines/blogs, and mass media in general. Mass media has caused an enormous amount of controversy within the last few years concerning body image and what is politically correct. However, mass media’s impact on health can be beneficial if it is used the correct way. The social media aspect of mass media has become something that is involved in most people’s everyday lives;Read MoreEssay on The Media Influence on Body Image925 Words   |  4 Pagesbetween media and body image ( Holmstrom, 2004). Here I review the theory that has been used by researcher in the area. Bandura’s Social cognitive theory (1994) assumed that â€Å"people learn and model the behaviors of attractive others†. The supporters of this theory suggest that young women find slim models in the media attractive and try to imitate them through dieting which leads them to eating disorders. Body image refers to a person’s unique perception of his/her body. It is how we perceive ourselvesRead MoreThe Effects Of Advertising On Our Society1504 Words   |  7 Pagescampaign, now it’s an unrealistic ideology of body perfection. This kind of product pushing comes with many different side effects that we as a consumer, might not realize. It is so detrimental that it becomes imbedded in your subconscious. Technology has made it to the point where it’s hard to tell what is real and fake. Advertising has created a pandemic in the way we view the body image of ourselves and the opposite sex in society. The â€Å"perfect† image is damaging to people causing an alarming growthRead MoreMedia and Beauty1592 Words   |  7 Pages The Media and Beauty Beauty is the interpretation of one’s physical body and the portrayal of the one’s own body so called body image exists within the mind. It is unbelievable that media world tries to exploit the body image which can affect an individual psychologically and physically whether it is in a good or bad way. In the article, â€Å"How the Media Keeps Us Hung Up on Body Image† by Shari Graydon, the author claims that women of all ages are suffering and media is the sourceRead MoreThe Effects Of Negative Body Image1668 Words   |  7 PagesJanuary 28,2015 English 6 The Effects of Negative Body Image Why does America have so many girls who struggle with body image? Body image is the way one sees oneself and how one imagines how one looks .(7)Having a positive body image means that, most of the time one sees oneself accurately,one feels comfortable in one’s body and one feels good about how one looks.(7)In today’s time Americans are vain in one’s appearance,meaning we feel having a thin body we are more accomplished, successfulRead MoreWhy Cosmetic Surgery Improves Mental Health1689 Words   |  7 Pagespsychological variables such as body image, self-esteem, and mental health. Body image specifically has been suggested to be a crucial factor in the desire to undergo cosmetic surgery. This is based off two important components including body image evaluation, referring to how satisfied a person is with his or her own body, and body image orientation, indicating how important body image is for a person. A person with a low body image evaluation combined with a high body image orientation increases theRead MoreSocial Norms Of A Female s Beauty And Body Image1234 Words   |  5 Pagesstandards of a women s beauty and body image has a direct effect on teenage girls, leading many to develop eating disorders such as anorexia. There are two main types of eating disorders: anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Both of these types are characterized as a major concern about one’s weight and shape in a negative way. Bulimia is categorized as binge eating or excessive consumption of food. What tags along with bulimia is aggressive and short tempered side effects. Of the two, anorexia nervosaRead MoreSocial Media Allows People To Share Pictures And Ideas1057 Words   |  5 Pagesarticles all relating to how social media affects body image to decide what my view point was. After research, we can conclude that social media has a negative effect on a woman’s body image. The media consumption can lead to dissatisfaction and even have a correlation with eating disorders. â€Å"Social Media effects on Young Women’s Body Image Concerns: Theoretical Perspectives and an Agenda for Research† by Richard M Perioff. This article focuses on the correlation between media and body dissatisfaction.Read MoreThe Influence Of Media Reporting On Society s Perception Of Beauty1730 Words   |  7 Pagesnumber). It is evident that over the last decade the media has created an image that is unrealistic and unattainable for teenage girls. As such, based upon a macro perspective, the societal roles, status and expectations of young women have been impacted negatively. This paper will analyze how the combination of media reporting, socioeconomics and sociocultural factors contribute to the development of eating disorders as well as how society s perception of beauty has been distorted. This paper will furtherRead MoreThe Medias Influence on Adolescent Women1 392 Words   |  6 Pagesinfluenced and affected by the media. The media includes anything from magazines, television shows, billboards, radio advertisements, commercials, newspapers and more. Through the media, women are being exposed to all forms of advertisements, including images that display misleading figures of women. These advertisements do not feature women with large hips, wide shoulders, lengthy arms or fuller figures. Instead, the women found on the front pages of magazines and advertisements are usually cookie-cutter

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Starting a Small Business Own Small Business

Question: Describe about the Starting a Small Business for Own Small Business . Answer: Introduction The key characteristics and issues related to start-up of a new business in Australia will be analysed in this report. The key proposals and limitations of the key proposals for the small businesses in the Australian budget 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 will be outlined (Barajas, 2007). Finally, the ALL structures and start-up modes will be identified and compared with each other and the best suitable ALL startup mode and ownership structure will be selected for the proposed business. For this report, the proposed new business of Cupcake Shop (Coctail Cupcake Shop) is selected here. Key proposals in the budget The Australian Government announced its budget for the small business owner on Tuesday, 3 May 2016. There are several key proposals in starting small businesses in Australia in the Australian budget 2015-2016 and 2016-2017:- An increase to small business tax discount rate- For the small businesses including sole traders, partnerships and other incorporated businesses having an annual turn-over of less than AUS$ 5 million, the tax discount rates will increase from 5% to 16% over the next 10 years commencing from 1 July 2016 to 25 June 2025. An increase to small business turnover threshold- The small business threshold turnover will increase from AUS$ 2million to AUS$10 million allowing the small business sectors to access the more small business tax concessions(Edwards, 2014). A Decrease to company tax rates- The company tax rates for the small businesses will reduce to 25% over the next 10 years commencing from 1 July 2016 to 25 June 2025. The company tax rates for the small businesses with an annual turnover of less than AUS$ 10 million, will decrease to 27.5% from 1 July to 2025. Importing and exporting tax- The goods and service tax for the low value goods imported by the small business will be extended from the financial year 2016-2017. TOFA Reforms- The taxation of financial arrangements (TOFA) rules will be reformed after 1 January 2018. Improving an access to asset backed financing- To improve the access to asset backed financing by removing uncertainty in the tax treatment of the small business asset backed financial arrangements will be treated in the same way as other financial arrangements, such as loans or investments for the tax purposes. Wage subsidies for the small business owners- The wage subsidies of upto AUS$ 10,000 will be provided over six months for the small business owners to employ the employees aged 25 or below. This will also include the subsidies upto AUS$ 6500 to the small business employers over six months for employing the most job seekers(Downs, 2015). Incentives for the small business owners- Incentives will be given upto AUS$ 1,000 for the small business owners to provide the employability skills training to the youth job seekers during an internship of six weeks. Changes to Div. 7A flagged- The changes will be incorporated to div. 7A flagged from July 2016. There are several limitations of the key proposals for the small businesses in Australia. Firstly, the small business owners can start-up businesses independently or franchising with others by making the initial capital investment upto AUS$ 10 million. The small business owners can have the maximum of 15 employees as directed by Australian trade regulations 2015-2016. The small business owners will have to pay the self-employment taxes as per Australian taxation policies and norms. The small business owners will have to prepare the financial statements including profit Loss A/c, Balance sheets, taxation statements, and financial audits(English Moate, 2011). The Australian government directs the small business owners to employ the young job seeker limited to age 25 in their organizations. Along with this, the small businesses should have the employer ID by registering the firm through certification and approval from the regional secretory office. Key characteristics and issues in starting and managing a small business There are several characteristics involved while starting and running a small business in Australia. These characteristics are followings as:- The small businesses are private owned corporations/legal entities/franchised enterprises owned by the small business owners in partnerships or sole proprietorship or corporations. To start a small business in Australia, the business owner requires an initial capital investment of less than AUD$ 10 million. The small businesses in Australia have limited employees ranging from minimum to 15 employees. The small businesses vary on the basis ofannual revenues, gross profits, sales, shipment, assets, and number of employees. The small businesses in Australia include Grocery stores, cupcake shops, convenience stores, restaurants, guesthouses, health clinic, accountancy office, business shops, internet cafe and small-scale manufacturing. The small scale enterprises are consistently regulated by the regulated government authorities and require employer ID, trade name, certification and registration and statement of payment of self-employment taxes(Hastings, (2011). The small businesses in Australia can also be started with low costs and are part-time basis, e.g. real estate business, hair salons. Franchising is a type of small-scale businesses where the small business owners (Franchisees) are benefited from the economies of scale of large business enterprises (franchisors). The small business owners have the benefits of strong brand name and purchasing power of the large companies with their own affordable investments The small business enterprises will face the legal issues, financial issues, expansion issues, HR issues, capital investment, and physical storage issues. For ex- the small business owners can have maximum of 15 employees in their business organizations. The small businesses in Australia can make the capital investment maximum upto 10 million AUD$. The small businesses will face the issues, such as following of legal structure, financial terms and conditions, size of balance sheets, registration of firm, certification and renewal of license. Some small businesses are regularly inspected by the government authorities, such as medical shop, health clinic, grocery shop, convenience stores, and agricultural shop(Roddick Rickman, 2005). The small businesses have to follow the trade policies, employment legislations, union laws, and taxation payment policies. Nature of a new or franchise enterprise in Australia The nature of the proposed business enterprise will be franchised resulting from the franchising contract betweena small cupcake shop (Franchisee) and large Australian cupcake company, Classic Cupcake Company (franchisor). This cupcake shop will leverage the benefits of brand name and purchasing power of Classic Cupcake Company. It will be opened in the mid of educational hub at Melbourne where range of schools, college, coaching institutes and corporate offices are located(Smith, 2012).The administration of cupcake shop will be in the hand of business owner who will form and regulate the rules, guidelines and decisions for the employees or working staff.This shop will have a trade or firm name, employer ID number, federal and state license, sales and use tax permit, and statement of provision of payment of self-employment taxes. All legal formalities will be fulfilled in a registered secretary office of a regional branch in Australia. The cupcake shop will be operated in an estimated area of 1500- 2000 square foot with the firm name of Coctail Cupcake Shop.The owner will make initial investment of AUS$ 100,000 for the overall business operations by crediting some money as loan from the banks and financial institutes.The proposed business of cupcake shop will have 13-15 employees including 1 shop manager, 1 marketing executive, 1 computer operator or receptionist, 2-3 cooking staff members, 3-4baristas, 1 greeter and 4-5 waiters etc. The shop manager will be responsible for the supervision and controlling the operations of cupcake shop who will give necessary guidelines and instructions for other staff members(Root, 2006).The proposed Cupcake Shop will offer a range of cupcake products in different flavors, sizes, and varieties. Along with this, it will offer additional food beverage items, such as snacks, teas, coffees, biscuits, juices, energy soft drinks, Sandwich, pasty, packed-ice creams and other food items. Identification and comparison of ALL start-up modes There are different types of ALL start up modes which are as following:- Franchising- This is a type of All start-up mode in the Franchisor sells its assets, goods, and services through the franchised agencies or stores by making franchising contract with the franchisee firm. The franchisor keeps ownership in his hands but it grants the right and authorities to the franchisee firm to sell the franchised products and services under the trademarks and brand name of franchisor firm. Exporting- This is a type of start-up mode in which the manufacturer or exporter exports the companys products and services to the foreign or overseas firms through its own distribution channels or other host companies in the foreign countries(Toolkit media Group, 2008). Joint ventures- This is a type of start-up mode in which the small business firm can start to sell the products and services of the multinational company with whom it makes trade contracts in the form of merger, acquisition, strategic alliance or take over. New business enterprise as whole subsidiary- This is a type of start-up mode in which the ownership remains in the hand of a business owner as wholly-owned subsidiary. In this type of business form, the single business enterprise is responsible for overall business operations, management control and financial obligations(Turner, 2011). Some other start-up modes include Investment in Online Businesses, Licensing, and Foreign Direct Investment. Comparison among different All Start-up modes Point of Difference Whole-Owned subsidiary Franchising Exporting Joint Ventures Ownership The single owner The ownership remains in the hand of franchisee but sells the products under franchisors brand name Exporting firm The members of strategic alliance or joint ventures Liability Personally liable for all financial obligations, management control and investment decisions Not personally liable because the losses are shared by franchisor Not personally liable the host company or distributional channels are also liable The members are not personally liable Source of financing Own source of financing through either own funds or credit from banks as loans Not individual financial sources as the franchisor is also involved to provide the financial assistance Own source of financing but involves the flow of funds through the exporting channels or host companies in the foreign countries The members are not personally liable for the source of financing Start-up mode selected for the business and rationale For the proposed cupcake business, the franchise enterprise is selected as a start-up mode which will result from the registering the franchise license granted by the large cupcake company of Australia, Classic Cupcake. The rationale behind choosing this start-up mode is that this is one of the safest and risk-free ways to start businesses. The company can also get benefit of the strong brand name, trademarks, and purchasing power of Classic Cupcake Company. The franchised form of small business enterprise will also providean opportunity to the franchisee firm to expand the businesses by accessing the large customer segments through using the brand identity of the franchiser. It will help in earning large profits and revenues through the large sales of the branded cupcake products. It will also assist in generating auto sales through the high brand awareness and customerloyalty(Curtis, 2012). It is effective to ensure the success of business because it is based on proven idea. The fr anchisor (Classic Cupcake Company) will give training to the franchisee (Coctail Cupcake Company) about the specialized branded products. The franchisor is an effective start-up business form because it will grant the rights and authorities to the franchisee to sell the franchised products in the selected territory or region. By using this start-up mode, it will be easy for the franchiseefirm to credit as loans from the banks as financial assistance for the firm. Comparison and contrast of ALL ownership structures There are different types of ownership structures for the small business enterprises operating in Australia. These ownership structures include sole proprietorship, Partnership, Limited Liability Company, and Corporation. These are following discussed as:- Sole Proprietorship- This is the simplest ownership structure which is owned by a single person who is responsible for all financial obligations, such as investment decisions, financial losses and profits, and sales of assets. This ownership structure is easy to form and operate in which the complete managerial control and power remains in the hand of single owner. Partnership- This is another ownership structure form of small business enterprises which is owned by two or more personsthrough making an agreement to make capital investment equally. The partners are equally responsible and personal liable to share the profits and losses(Smith, 2012). The decisions related to capital investments, product development, sale of goods and services, and business expansion, are taken by the partners collectively. Corporation- It is a type of legal entity,independent from the founder or ownerthat is created to conduct the overall business operations and activities. The ownership remains in the head of founder or business owner, but the business operations and activities are operated and controlled by these entities.The main advantage of this structure is avoidance of personal liability.S Corporation is a good example for the small business franchise enterprises(Smith, 2012). Limited Liability Company- This is a hybrid form of both partnership and corporation ownership which gives the owner the benefits of both ownership structures. The profits and losses are shared by the members or owners, but the owners are shielded from the personal liability. Comparison of small business ownership structures- The point of difference Sole Proprietorship Partnership Corporation Limited Liability Company Ownership Single owner The partners are equal owners The founder of corporation are owners The partners are owners, but not equal Managerial control The owner has full control and authority on overall business operations The partners have equal control and supervision on the overall business operations The independent legal entities hold the management of all business activities and decisions but dont have legal liability Member-managed Sharing of losses and profits Alone responsible for all financial gains and losses The partners are equal responsible for the financial obligations Exempted from the liability of financial obligations Owners responsible, but not personally liable Limited liability protection Unlimited liability Partners are personally liable Not personally liable Limited liability and not personally liable The ownership structure selected for the business and rationale and personal risks associated with this structure The ownership structure for the proposed franchised business will be S Corporation in which the franchisor will grant new rights and authorities to the franchised firm to sell the franchised products under the brand name, trademarks and significant purchasing power of the franchisor. This structure is selected for this proposed business because the franchisee firm will make the huge profits and revenues under the corporation of franchisor. The profits and losses will be netted in this franchised structure against the owners personal income. Under this ownership structure, the owner of Cupcake shop will enhance the customer base by selling the cupcake products or items of Classic Cupcake Company in the great quantities to the large customer segments(Buttars, 2014). The risks level is fewer in this type of ownership structure because the risks and losses are also shared by the franchisor. Some personal risks include expiry of cupcake items, product damage, financial loss, capital inves tment risks, employability risks, and consumer loss as these risks or threats that will not be shared with the franchisor because these are individual business risks. Conclusion This assessment described the legal provisions affecting the business owner of Cupcake shop while starting a small business in Melbourne, Australia. Several key proposals and limitations of the key proposals were outlined in the Australian budget for the session 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 that will affect the new business ventures of the new businesses greatly. Different ALL structures and start-up modes were compared and contrasted from each other on the basis of characteristics, purpose, and ownership. The key characteristics and legal issues of the small businesses were discussed in detail. For this assessment, the franchised start-up mode and S corporation were selected for staring the cupcake copy shop. References Barajas, L. (2007). Small Business, Big Life: Five Steps to Creating a Great Life with Your Own Small Business. Australia: Thomas Nelson Inc. Buttars, R. (2014). Starting a Small Business. Australia: Richard Buttars. Curtis, V. (2012).Getting Started in Small Business For Dummies. USA: John Wiley Sons. Downs, P. (2015).Boss Life: Surviving My Own Small Business. Australia: Penguin Publishing Group. Edwards, A. C. (2014).Starting a Spiritual Business - Inspiration, Case Studies and Advice: Featuring Diana Cooper and Ian Lawman. Sydney: John Hunt Publishing. English, J. Moate, B. (2011).Managing a Small Business in Australia: The Complete Handbook. Australia: ReadHowYouWant.Com. Hastings, R. (2011). How to Start and Build a Small Business. UK: Businessman 101. Roddick, A. Rickman, C. (2005).The Small Business Start-up Workbook: A step-by-step guide to starting the business you've dreamed of. Canberra: Hachette. Root, H. (2006). The Small Business Start-Up Guide. Australia: Sourcebooks, Inc. Smith, H. (2012). Learn Small Business Startup in 7 Days. USA: John Wiley Sons. Steingold, S. F. (2014). Legal Forms for Starting Running a Small Business. Australia: Nolo Publication. Toolkit media Group (2008).Start, Run, and Grow: A Successful Small Business. Melbourne: Toolkit Media Group/Wolters Kluwer. Turner, L.M. (2011). The Unofficial Guide to Starting a Small Business. USA: John Wiley Sons.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Jaypaw Home Page Essays - Warriors, Warriors Power Of Three

Jaypaw Home Page In the third book of the third series of Warriors, The Power of Three, the book Outcast, Jaypaw is having a hard time with coping with his blindness. Cats from his clan always make accusations of his blindness and are so protective over him because of his condition. But Jaypaw doesn't appreciate this and doesn't like how everyone one is feeling sorry for him. He gets very short tempered because of this and he wishes that he was never born. Jaypaw gets very irritated that he can't see and do things that every other cat can. What he doesn't know is that it will all pay off in the long run since he has the power of the stars in his paws and is even more powerful than Starclan themselves. Since the website is about how to cope with blindness, Jaypaw would most likely be interested in it to help him deal with his blindness and how to do everyday things like most other cats can do. When Jaypaw first began his training as a medicine cat apprentice, he met all of the other medicine cats and apprentices from other clans when they went to the Moonpool to talk to Starclan. Willowpaw, medicine cat apprentice for Riverclan, was very friendly towards Jaypaw. But Jaypaw doesn't like talking with other cats, he'd rather keep to himself. So when Willowpaw started being friendly and talkative, Jaypaw thought she was a very annoying she-cat. As Jaypaw learns about his new powers, he has some trouble understanding them. He doesn't understand the purpose of this power that he has and has no idea what his future holds. During the novel he uses them for unnecessary needs and not for importance. Jaypaw hasn't been able to control his powers very well and often walks in other cats dreams while at the Moonpool instead of his own. During the book, Jaypaw has trouble controlling his anger during the book. Anything can fire him up, even just a countless mistake. When Squirrelflight (his foster mother) wanted to help guide him thru the unknown terrain of the mountains, Jaypaw yelled at her and said he didn't need her help. She only wanted to help him because she was worried about him. But Jaypaw was so insensitive because he doesn't want cats to feel sorry for him so he acts rude towards Squirrelflight. As Jaypaw is going through his medicene cat training, Leafpool, his mentor, is teaching him how to use certain herbs to heal wounds and diseases But Jaypaw gets confused on how many herbs there is to learn and forgets some them most of the time. He tries his best but it's very hard for him to remember every type of herb and it's purpose.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Since the late 1970s, China has been experiencing a tremendous growth in its economy. In 1978, the Communist Party of China commenced an economic reformation program that aimed at enhancing the economic growth and performance of China (Hudis 112).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Hart-Landsburg and Burkett Argument specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This program aimed at enhancing the management of state owned enterprises (SOEs) as well as encouraging the development of privately owned enterprises. Thus, in addition to attaining high rates of economic growth and attracting foreign direct investments, the main aim of this economic reform was to transform the Chinese economy to a socialist market economy (Kraus 361). The aim of this ideology was to ensure that this economy is primarily controlled by state owned corporations. With this strategy in place, it was believed that every individual in China would benefit from the results of economic development as the profits earned by SOEs would be evenly distributed within the population. At the present moment, China is one of the nations that exhibit high economic growth rates in terms of GDP. However, from a critical angle, it is evident that the Chinese market is based on the capitalist system. It is due to this fact that Hart-Landsburg and Burkett argue that perhaps China has failed to achieve its economic reform goals that were set over four decades ago. Thus, the measures that were put in place after the implementation of the market reforms only led to the growth of capitalism. Despite the fact that SOEs were dominant during the 1970s and the 1980s, the growth of private entrepreneurship started to flourish during the late 1980s and in the 1990s. Consequently, the Chinese government passed several legislations that not only encouraged the privatization of SOEs, but also played a significant role in attracting foreign direct investments which led to the growth of the private sector. In 1993 for instance, the labor law was passed in China. This law eliminated the control that the government had in the selection and recruitment processes and paved way for the free labor market. This new concept used the demand and supply mechanism to determine the availability of jobs and the remuneration of employees. As a result, China has now been regarded as one of the main sources of cheap labor. Thus, many firms have moved their operations in this nation to enjoy the low costs of production.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More From this analysis, it is clear that the reformation program that was initiated by the Chinese government to rejuvenate socialism within China has failed. The results of this program have led the Chinese economy into a totally different path. The Chinese market is now based on capitalism. Consequently, most of the market industries and segments are dominated by foreign owned companies (Hart-Landsberg Paul 13). Furthermore, Hart-Landsburg and Burkett argued that the results of this economic reformation process were not abrupt but came about in stages. However, the measures that were put to overcome the upcoming challenges did not achieve the desired results since they led the economy further down the capitalist lane. As a result, the contemporary Chinese market is characterized by income polarization, high levels of poverty, and increased research and explorations. Hart-Landsburg and Burkett categorise these characteristic as the indicators of a capitalism market. Four Major Imbalances in the Chinese Economy The financial crisis of 2007/2008 was one of the most severe economic downfalls that the world has ever experienced since the great depression of the 1930s that almost crumbled the US economy (Feurberg 2). However, during the global financial crisis of 2007/2008, the Chinese economy was experiencing a positive growth. During the 2008/2009 financial year, China had a GDP of 9.2% (Lardy 3). Nicholas Lardy, a financial analyst stated that China managed to overcome the financial crisis due to the fiscal monetary stimulus plan that it had put in place. However, Lardy further states that this economic stimulus plan will only be effective in the short run since it does not put into consideration the structural problems and imbalances that are currently present in the Chinese economy. Over the last eight years, the Chinese economy has been operating on a pressed financial system. Prior to 2003, the interest rate on returns in China averaged 3% (Lardy 4). However, since 2004, this rate has greatly decreased hence forcing more households to save a higher proportion of their disposable income. To support his argument, Lardy presented a chart that showed the household savings in China between 1998 and 2008. In this chart, it is evident that the rate of saving has increased from 29% to 36%. To explain why the Chinese people tend to save when the interest rates are low, Lardy came up with a hypothesis that described the Chinese population as precautionary savers who want to attain a specific target of financial assets (Lardy 5).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Hart-Landsburg and Burkett Argument specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More To support his argument, Lardy commented on the costly healthcare system in China that required upfront payments prior to offering services to its clients. To averse this problem, Lardy recommended that the Chinese government should develop effective social safety services that would reduce the level of household savings and encourage expenditure. Another imbalance that Lardy identified is the outsized real estate investment that is present in China. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the rise in real estate investment and the sale of residential prope rties have been one of the leading drivers that have led to the high rate of economic growth that is being experienced in China. Between the year 2004 and 2010, the rate of residential properties in China has been growing at an average rate of 4.6%. This rate is higher than the bank deposit rate that has been averaging at the rate of 0.7% during the same period (Lardy 6). Consequently, the residential property investments in China comprised of 9.1% of China’s GDP during the 2008/2009 financial year. This is higher than many nations in the world whose rate is below 5.2%. In an event of a bubble, Lardy warns that the Chinese market might suffer severe consequences than the USA during the 2007/2008 financial crisis. The decline in interest rates charged on household savings and the consequent increase in savings by households has resulted in a repressive financial system in China (Feurberg 4). This is the third economic imbalance that Lardy identified. To a higher extent, the co mmercial bank reserve levels are low hence increasing their level of borrowing and the amount of money circulating within the economy. This has greatly reduced the value of the Chinese currency. For instance, the exchange rate between 1995 and 2002 averaged 4.4%. However, this rate has stood at 0.5% since 2003. Thus, China needs to come up with policies that increase the reserve levels of commercial banks as a measure of curbing inflation. The last imbalance that Lardy managed to identify is the subsidies that are present in the manufacturing sector, especially in the service industry. Given the repressive financial system that is present in China, households and commercial banks investors of the central bank. Thus, the government has access to low interest capital that it uses to fund state owned projects resulting in an imbalance in trade. Works Cited Feurberg, Garry 2012. Chinese Economic Growth Requires Restructuring Economy. Web.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lardy, Nicholas 2012. Sustaining Economic Growth in China. Web. Hart-Landsberg, Martin and Paul Burkett. China and Socialism: Market Reforms and  Class Struggle. New York: Sage, 2005. Print. Hudis, Peter. The Rosa Luxemburg Reader. New York: Sage, 2004. Print. Kraus, Richard. Class Conflict in Chinese Socialism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011. Print. This essay on Hart-Landsburg and Burkett Argument was written and submitted by user Brice Pittman to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

8 Great Essay Writing Tips for Students

8 Great Essay Writing Tips for Students 8 Great Essay Writing Tips for Students 8 Great Essay Writing Tips for Students By Ali Hale Whether you enjoy writing or not, there’s probably a fair amount of it that you have to do as a student. I don’t think essays are anyone’s favourite thing to write (and I say that as a former English Literature student!) but by honing your writing process, you can get them over and done with quickly and – hopefully – well. I was an undergraduate student in the back in 2003-06 and back then, the most sophisticated tool I had to help with my writing was Microsoft Word 2003’s spellchecker! Today, there are loads of useful tools you can use – and I covered some of those in my post 10 Online Tools to Help You Write the Perfect Essay. No tool can offer to write your essay for you, though (and if it does, I’d be very dubious about using it). So in this post, we’ll be looking at some key tips for getting your essays written as smoothly and painlessly as possible. Tip #1: Don’t Start Writing Without a Plan I know it can be tempting to just dive into an essay, especially if you’re short on time. With anything you write, though, you’ll find it much easier if you plan ahead – and I think this is especially true for essays, which generally need a strong structure that supports you in making a particular argument. Depending on the length of your essay and how much you like to plan ahead, your plan might be a short list of bullet points and some ideas about key sources to reference – or it might be a detailed paragraph by paragraph outline. But you should definitely have some sort of plan in mind, or you risk going off on a huge tangent that doesn’t really relate to your essay question. Tip #2: Don’t Leave Your Writing Until the Last Minute Okay, I know it’s sometimes unavoidable – but very few people do their best work while staying up all night frantically trying to finish an essay that’s due imminently (or worse, overdue). It’s much better for your writing – and your health – to work consistently on an essay well ahead of the deadline. One great way to do this is to break down your essay writing process into different stages (which will probably correspond to these stages of the writing process). For instance, if you have a short essay due Friday, you might come up with ideas and useful references for your essay question on a Monday, write a detailed plan on a Tuesday, and start drafting on a Wednesday instead of leaving everything to the end of the week. Tip #3: Know Your Best Time of Day to Write All of us have times of day when we find it easy to focus – and times when we really struggle. I’ve known since my schooldays that I’m a morning person: I’m at my best between about 7am and 12 noon, and my focus dips dramatically around 4pm. You might be totally different – perhaps you can concentrate really well between, say, 7pm and midnight – but what matters here is knowing yourself. Figure out your best hours for writing and try to use them where possible. Tip #4: Ask for Sample Essays or Projects to Look At Whatever you’re studying, if you have to produce essays or projects that are assessed, there will almost certainly be (a) a mark scheme and (b) examples of previous students’ work. Ask your professors about these. Take a really close look at past work, and at the mark it got: see if you can figure out why – and what you could do to improve your own work. If you’ve got connections to students who’ve taken your course in the past, you might also ask them if they’d be willing to share any of their old essays. (Be really careful here that you don’t end up accidentally using any of their ideas or phrasings as your own – that’s plagiarism and it’s a serious academic offence. So if you take notes based on their essays, label those very clearly so you don’t later think that they’re part of your own work.) Tip #5: Know How to Present Your Work Correctly The rules about formatting essays – particularly things like footnotes and bibliographies – can seem rather arcane and confusing. But it’s important to get these little details right. If you’re unsure, again, ask for examples or take a look at whatever style guide your university uses. One area where students sometimes struggle is in the presentation of quotes from sources. Depending on length, these can either be presented as â€Å"blockquotes† – in their own paragraph, indented from the main text – or as â€Å"inline† quotes that are incorporated into a paragraph. Again, ask for examples or consult the appropriate style guide for your institution. Tip #6: Look Up a List of Commonly Misused Words Some words are very easily confused with one another, or used incorrectly. It’s worth checking through the words and phrases that people commonly get wrong just to be sure you’re not making any mistakes. We have a category dedicated to such mistakes. Tip #7: Edit Your Essays On Paper Where Possible Hopefully, you’re already editing your essays before handing them in – if not, definitely make that into a habit. Don’t just look out for typos and spelling mistakes: think about areas where you haven’t made your thinking clear, or where you haven’t backed up a statement with a reference or fact. While there are lots of tools you can use to make editing on the screen easier, I don’t think anything can replace a careful read-through on paper – especially if you’re handing in something that’s going to make up a large part of your final mark. #8: Share Your Essay-in-Progress With Fellow Students Can you get together with one or two other people on your course and swap your draft essays? Often, someone else’s feedback can really help you to clarify your own thinking – and they may spot potential problems that you’d have missed, or areas where you could go further. Even if you don’t want to give one another substantial feedback, you could still swap essays for light editing / proofreading purposes: it’s surprising how someone else’s mistakes can leap out at you, whereas your own tend not to be obvious (because you know what you think you wrote) Whether writing’s something you enjoy, or a necessary evil, I hope these tips help you to write great essays without spending a huge amount of time on them. If you have an essay-writing tip of your own to share, feel free to leave it below in the comments. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely?Running Amok or Running Amuck?Grammatical Case in English

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Earth week Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Earth week - Essay Example ay was a great success, it cemented minds of people concerning issues of environmental importance which further led to communal concern and political priority. Many governments on that note enacted laws which include protection of endangered species of animals and plants, maintenance of clean environment, safe drinking water among other much legislation. With time a great success was recorded on institutionalized land, air and water protection. Issues affecting local communities are given attention on the earth week and more so teachings conducted on field of natural calamities such as flooding and how best to deal with them. It also serves as an avenue where to express their growing consciousness of the environment. Events are organized in such a way to enable exhibition of displays that provides information on recycling or non-biodegradables. The internet has served as an important tool in the earth week since it enables reach billions of people in awareness creation. The internet helps in linking of activities around the world such as the pictures of the environmental scenes after the first world earth day and subsequent anniversaries. Effort is not only geared towards the earth week success in campuses and colleges only but even beyond. To ensure effective match of the objectives, it calls for corporate involvement. Wide range of activities is in that regard organized. Such activities involve campus, colleges and general environment general clean up, community service which is environmentally related, public speaking on the importance of environmental conservation coupled with efforts to put such into practice. To mark the peak of the Earth week celebrations Geographic photo editors always select most of the earth’s stunning pictures as seen from the space by NASA satellites which reveal the earth’s green nature. This besides helping in other activities and events are used by environmentalists and environment based organizations to improve the